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December 20, 2020 3:00PM



The premiere of this virtual performance will take place at 3:00 PM on Sunday, December 20, 2020. “On Demand” viewing access will be available until Sunday, December 27, 2020.

How to Watch

Sheku Kanneh-Mason, cello
Isata Kanneh-Mason, piano

RACHMANINOFF: Sonata for Piano and Cello, Op. 19

In the final concert of their virtual artist residency, cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason and pianist Isata Kanneh-Mason end with a spellbinding performance marked by impeccable technique and virtuosity.

Sheku Kanneh-Mason became a household name worldwide in May 2018 after performing at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. His performance was greeted with universal excitement after being watched by nearly two billion people globally. In June 2018, Sheku received the Male Artist of the Year and the Critics’ Choice awards at the re-launched Classic BRIT Awards, and in July 2018 became the first artist to receive the new BRIT Certified Breakthrough Award. In January 2020, Sheku released his second album, Elgar, featuring the Cello Concerto. On its release, it reached No. 8 in the UK Official Album Chart, making Sheku the youngest classical instrumentalist and the first cellist in history to reach the UK Top 10.

Three years Sheku's senior, Isata Kanneh-Mason is quickly gaining fans of her own. Her debut album, Romance, drew popular and critical acclaim, entering the UK classical charts at No. 1 when it was released in July 2019, leading Gramophone magazine to extol the recording as “one of the most charming and engaging debuts” and Classic FM to praise Isata as “a player of considerable talent.”

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Individual tickets are not available for this event at this time. Individual tickets will go on sale on August 8. Subscribe to our 2024-25 season. Please contact our Patron Services Department at (949) 553-2422 to get up-to-the-minute ticket availability information. Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9am-5pm.

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